Welcome to All Things Software and Services. This Category is constantly evolving and changing to enable us to do more than we ever imagined. This software (below) gives you Free Bitcoin, and you can run (on your unused Computer Resources) and make money anytime with Bitcoin, which is mind blowing.
FREEBITCOIN: Just for registering Here, you can get started with some Free Bitcoin, and be able to Mine Bitcoin through this first ever “Smart Miner” application to actually earn Bitcoin through Mining Then (all 100 percent free) be able to Mine Bitcoin through this first ever “Smart Miner” application to literally earn Bitcoin through Mining. It’s all 100 percent Free….. Super Easy, Super Exciting and anyone can do it. You’ll be happy you registered Here and got started, when Bitcoin becomes more and more valuable. Get it for FREE Here and EARN with Mining from your Computer 24 hours a Day. Join the Bitcoin Craze For Free Here:
Medical Devices on the Blockchain: The power of the Blockchain to protect important Medical Information is an innovative addition to all of us in the World. It is profound technology that we wear to monitor and track our vital organs, and it is the only kind of method that protects our data. Every living soul needs this. The Blockchain is important for the future and advances in medicine, because of what all it provides for us to keep everyone in the World protected. When paired with Smartphone Apps and Cryptocurrency, this is State of the Art Proprietary Wearable Technology, to solve all of our Medical Information needs of the entire. Get set up for your Medical Security on the Blockchain Here:
RoboForm – The Best Username and Password Manager Ever! How do we know that our usernames and passwords are safe, and it’s so hard for us to always remember all of them, because we have to have so many just to function and keep up with everything in our daily routine of life. “RoboForm” is your answer for keeping everything safe and secure. No more being afraid to shop online, and no more having to remember usernames and passwords. Check out Username and Password Manager Here:
The world is changing for the better, with services being offered to teach and broaden our education to help and instruct us how to navigate our way through it all, and these services are constantly growing and being updated to make our lives easier and safer.